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April 22-26
(1 year access!)

The 5 Day workshop to jumpstart your creativity.

If you are a member of the Creative Circle, this is included with your membership! 

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You'd love to start painting but don't know where to start?

Do any of the following ring any bells?

Where did all the time go?

Between juggling work, family commitments, and the sneaky passage of time, finding a moment to dedicate to painting can feel like trying to solve a Rubik's Cube blindfolded. It's a balancing act that often leaves passions and hobbies, like painting, on the back burner.

Am I even doing this right?

Returning to painting after a hiatus can feel daunting, sparking a nagging doubt about one's skills. It's like stepping back into a high school reunion and wondering if you still fit in. The fear of not being 'good enough' keeps you from starting.

So many choices, so little guidance.

The art world has exploded with new techniques, materials, and styles. It's like walking into an all-you-can-eat buffet after fasting – where do you even start? This overwhelming abundance of options can lead to analysis paralysis, making it hard to take that first brushstroke.

Seriously - so done
   with this!!!
Yep, I hear you!

...If that's you, then keep reading, because *waves magic wand* I've got the answer.

So here's what I know... Painting doesn't take talent.


^^Spoiler Alert: it's a learned skill!

So here's what I know: Painting isn't just about inborn talent; it's a skill you can nurture and grow. This workshop is your golden ticket back into the world of art, tailored just for you as you rediscover your brushstrokes. With step-by-step guidance, a flexible schedule, and a supportive community, you're not just picking up a brush; you're unlocking a door to creativity and confidence that's been waiting for you all this time.

Yep... that's right. You don't need talent, just a good teacher and your desire to make progress.

The numbers don't lie.
20,000 students and counting...

But don't just take my word for it....

Discover the inner artist that has been waiting to play

  • Rediscover Joy -Revisit latent skills and awaken a newfound love for painting.
  • Boost Your Confidence - Watch your self-assurance bloom as you transform blank canvases into expressions of your unique vision and style.
  • Hands-On Guidance - Benefit from step-by-step instruction that makes complex techniques accessible and fun.
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What's Included

#1- Step-by-step tutorials

Shelby gently guides you through the painting, making it easy for anyone to follow!

#2- Supply list

No second guessing what to get in the supply aisle! Shelby gives you the exact supplies you need to get moving, without worrying!

#3- Tracing templates

Feel like you can't draw? Have no fear, we've got you covered! Use our tracing template to get the image ready to paint!

#4- Reference image + color recipes

Does color mixing feel complicated? We include color recipes to help you get more comfortable with the process and get you painting faster!

#5- BONUS Live Demos

Come join the community for daily live demonstrations (and prizes!!) with Shelby to celebrate and grow your newfound skills!

The Result? 

A beautiful painting that you are proud to show family and friends!


The Result? 

A beautiful painting you are proud to show friends and family!

How do I know if I'm ready?


Perfect for you if:

  • You're ready to rekindle your passion for painting and self-expression.
  • You value the convenience of learning and creating in your own space and time.
  • You're willing to embrace the journey of creativity, understanding that mistakes are part of growth.
  • You know each brushstroke is a step towards discovering your unique artistic voice.
  • You're ready to invest in quality art supplies that will last you for years.

Not for you if:

  • Your patience runs thin when it comes to slow and steady creative processes
  • A packed schedule makes committing to the workshop + replay timeframe challenging
  • You want a paint-by-numbers experience
  • You don't want to stretch yourself and try new experiences
  • You expect perfection on the first try
I'm Ready

A Note From Shelby...

After painting professionally for 15 years, teaching thousands of students, and selling my art worldwide, I'm ready to go behind the scenes and show you how to paint something you are proud to show friends and family.

My name is Shelby Dillon, and I created this workshop to help you tap into the creativity that you have always wanted to pursue.

I created this workshop with a simple belief: painting is a skill that can be learned and loved by anyone. I wanted to create a space where you can discover the joy of painting, whether you're revisiting a long-lost hobby or starting from scratch. In this workshop, you'll gain not just the techniques but also the confidence to continue creating art that's as unique as your own story.

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Why $10?

You're wondering what life would be like to truly invest in your passion - and yourself. We'd love to show you how approachable and fun painting can be!

Here's What Others Are Saying...

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The Ultimate workshop to jumpstart your creativity.

Yours Today!


One time payment

  • Pre-recorded Step-by-step instructions
  • Supply list + Color recipes
  • Downloadable reference photo/tracer
  • 5 LIVE interactive bonus teaching sessions!
  • Replays available for ONE YEAR!
  • Pop-up Facebook Group

Have another question? Email [email protected] and we will get back to you within 24 hours!

Commonly Asked Questions

Have another question? Email [email protected] and we will get back to you within 24 hours!

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Have fun (re)discovering your passion for painting.



Yours Today!


One time payment

  • Pre-recorded Step-by-step instructions
  • Supply list + Color recipes
  • Downloadable reference photo/tracer
  • 5 LIVE interactive bonus teaching sessions!
  • Replays available for ONE YEAR!
  • Pop-up Facebook Group
See you on the inside!!!